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Internship Information for Employers

We are grateful for the meaningful opportunities you provide to our students. In return, we try to make the internship process as easy for you as possible – from job conception to promoting openings to intern evaluations – we are here to support you at every step.

Below are some common questions from employers.

I am a local Lynchburg, VA area employer and am interested in having a Randolph College student intern with me. How should I proceed?

We would love to speak with you about your company or organization’s needs! Contact our Career Development Center and together with the Internship Coordinator, you will determine if the opportunity you have in mind matches our internship criteria. Our Internship Coordinator can be reached via email or phone at (434) 947-8116.

I have been approached by a Randolph College student about doing an internship with my company/organization. Are there any forms I need to complete before making the student an offer?

At Randolph College, those students who wish to receive academic credit for their internship are required to fill out a Credit-Bearing Internship Form. Part of this process involves the student communicating with you (their internship employer) about specific duties and responsibilities. The student will also ask the person at your company/organization who will be their direct supervisor to sign off on the contract. If you have any questions or concerns about the Contract, do not hesitate to contact us.

Do I need to issue a formal offer letter to the student who will be interning with me?

If the student interning with you is not a U.S. citizen, it is critical that you issue a formal offer letter to the student on company letterhead. An email will not suffice, but you may email the signed offer letter to the student as an attachment. The essential information that the letter must include is: Student’s name, exact start date of internship, approximate number of hours, and basic responsibilities/tasks. We have provided templates for the offer letter here. Although an offer letter is not required in the case of U.S. citizen students, we still recommend it so that the student may gain experience with the process of receiving a formal offer of employment.

Are there any special circumstances that I must be aware of if my Randolph College intern is not a U.S. Citizen?

If your Randolph College intern is not a U.S. Citizen, it is imperative that
a) the student will obtain academic credit for the internship by completing the Credit-Bearing Internship Contract discussed above and
b) you will need to issue the student a formal offer letter, described above.

The Internship Coordinator may contact you to ensure that the internship relates directly to the student’s major course of study at Randolph, in accordance with U.S. Dept. of Labor specifications. For more information on Curricular Practical Training (CPT), call the Career Development Center at (434) 947-8116.

My company / organization has offered an internship to a Randolph College student and I have been asked to be the “on-site supervisor.” What are my responsibilities?

  1. Be aware of and in compliance with the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s six-prong test regarding internships
  2. Communicate with student prior to internship to outline responsibilities and expectations.
  3. Sign Internship Contract agreeing to oversee student’s experience.
  4. Inform student of organization policies, procedures, and required safety standards.
  5. Provide realistic exposure to the field; meet with the student on a regular basis and at the end of the internship to provide performance feedback.
  6. Maintain contact with the faculty sponsor and internship coordinator, as needed, about the student’s progress.
  7. Complete a supervisor’s evaluation at the end of the internship and return to faculty sponsor.

Who is my intern’s Faculty Sponsor?

Each internship has a unique team of faculty and professionals supporting the experience. The intern can provide you with the name and contact information of his/her Faculty Sponsor, or you can contact the Career Development Center for that information at (434) 947-8116.

  • Internship Contract Deadlines

    Internship contracts are due by the end of the first full week of classes for the session in which the internship occurs.

    Contracts submitted during appeal period must be accompanied by an Appeal Form regardless of reason or circumstances. After that date, Internships may not earn credit.

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